
The getLocalIssueKeyFromRemoteId method does require a numeric ID as a parameter, so passing a non-numeric string like ServiceNow's sys_id would not work. The method getLocalIssueKeyFromRemoteId doesn’t work for Servicenow. I need to get the issue that has the incident parent ID value in a specific custom field on Jira Cloud. 

The following request work in Postman, but I cannot make it work on Exalate. 


"Incident_key" is the name of the Jira Cloud custom field that has the key of the ServiceNow incident to which it's connected to.

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    1 answer


      The following code gets the Jira Cloud issue that has the parentKey value inside the custom field "Incident_key".

      def jql = "Incident_Key~${replica.parentKey}".toString()
      def localParent = new JiraClient(httpClient).http("GET", "/rest/api/3/search?", ["jql":[jql]], null, [:])

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