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How to Sync Sprint from Azure devops To Jira


How to sync Sprints from Azure DevOps to Jira? may be updating iteration path from azure to Jira sprint field?

any help thank you.

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    1 answer



      I have just completed the use case of syncing a sprint to Jira dynamically i.e. if a new sprint is created and assigned to a workItem, it should be created on Jira side with the same information. The following code snippets achieve this:

      Azure DevOps Outgoing Script
      def res = httpClient.get("/<<project_name>>/<<team_name_in_ADO>>/_apis/work/teamsettings/iterations",true)
      def flag = 0
      int i = 0
      for (;i<res.value.size(); i++){
          if (res.value[i].path == replica.iterationPath){
              flag =1
      if (flag == 1){
          replica.customKeys."sprint_name" = res.value[i].name
          replica.customKeys."sprint_start" = res.value[i].attributes.startDate
          replica.customKeys."sprint_end" = res.value[i].attributes.finishDate
      Jira Cloud Incoming Script
      //the following code segment uses board id=3. 
      //please change that as per your requirements
      //or create a mapping using a HashMap
      def list = httpClient.get("/rest/agile/1.0/board/3/sprint")
      int flag = 0
      for (int i=0; i<list.values.size(); i++){
          if (list.values[i].name == replica.customKeys.'sprint_name')
              flag = 1
      String startDate, endDate;
      if (flag == 0){
          if (replica.customKeys."sprint_start"){
              startDate = replica.customKeys."sprint_start".trim()
              startDate = startDate.replaceAll("Z",".000+05:00").trim();
          if (replica.customKeys."sprint_end"){
              endDate = replica.customKeys."sprint_end".trim()
              endDate = endDate.replaceAll("Z",".000+05:00").trim();
          def res ="/rest/agile/1.0/sprint", "{\"name\": \"${replica.customKeys.'sprint_name'}\", \"startDate\": \"${startDate}\", \"endDate\": \"${endDate}\", \"originBoardId\": 3}")
      def res = httpClient.get("/rest/agile/1.0/board/3/sprint")
      for (int i=0; i<res.values.size(); i++){
          if (res.values[i].name == replica.customKeys.'sprint_name')
              issue.customFields.Sprint.value = res.values[i].id

      The attached video shows the script in action. 



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