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Can someone please update on this if there is any solution.
Hi Nishant Sood ,
Have you tried using the connect operation and use Send all existing attachments in advanced option ?
Hi Roman,
Yes I have tried it but it doesn't work, I have not tried bulk connect as there are 400-500 issues.
Below are the rules.
if(firstSync && replica.project.key == "TPE"){
issue.projectKey = "TPOHK"
issue.typeName = nodeHelper.getIssueType(replica.typeName)?.name ?: "Task"
if(firstSync && replica.project.key == "TPOHK"){
issue.projectKey = "TPE"
issue.typeName = nodeHelper.getIssueType(replica.typeName)?.name ?: "Task"
issue.summary = replica.summary
issue.description = replica.description
issue.labels = replica.labels
issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica)
issue.attachments = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(issue, replica) -this also tried
issue.attachments.addAll(replica.addedAttachments) - this also tried
// or issue.attachments += replica.addedAttachments
issue.components = replica.components
issue.created = replica.created
issue.updated = replica.updated
issue.resolutionDate = replica.resolutionDate
issue.affectedVersions = replica.affectedVersions
issue.fixVersions = replica.fixVersions
issue.originalEstimate = replica.originalEstimate
issue.remainingEstimate = replica.remainingEstimate
issue.timeSpent = replica.timeSpent
issue.environment = replica.environment
issue.status = replica.status
issue.resolution = replica.resolution
issue.type = replica.type
issue.priority = replica.priority
User Synchronization (Assignee/Reporter)
Set a Reporter/Assignee from the source side, if the user can't be found set a default user
You can use this approach for custom fields of type User
def defaultUser = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail("")
issue.reporter = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.reporter?.email) ?: defaultUser
issue.assignee = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.assignee?.email) ?: defaultUser
Comment Synchronization
Sync comments with the original author if the user exists in the local instance
Remove original Comments sync line if you are using this approach
issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica){ it.executor = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail( }
Status Synchronization
Sync status according to the mapping [remote issue status: local issue status]
If statuses are the same on both sides don't include them in the mapping
def statusMapping = ["Open":"New", "To Do":"Backlog"]
def remoteStatusName =
issue.setStatus(statusMapping[remoteStatusName] ?: remoteStatusName)
Custom Fields
This line will sync Text, Option(s), Number, Date, Organization, and Labels CFs
For other types of CF check documentation
issue.customFields."CF Name".value = replica.customFields."CF Name".value
replica.key = issue.key
replica.type = issue.type
replica.assignee = issue.assignee
replica.reporter = issue.reporter
replica.summary = issue.summary
replica.description = issue.description
replica.labels = issue.labels
replica.comments = issue.comments
replica.resolution = issue.resolution
replica.status = issue.status
replica.parentId = issue.parentId
replica.priority = issue.priority
replica.attachments = issue.attachments
replica.project = issue.project
//Comment these lines out if you are interested in sending the full list of versions and components of the source project.
replica.project.versions = []
replica.project.components = []
Custom Fields
replica.customFields."CF Name" = issue.customFields."CF Name"