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Several fields not synchronizing from HP Quality Center to Jira



I believe I have followed to instructions on how to configure the sync and most of our customer's desired fields are being synchronized but some won't.

These are the affected fields and how I configured them

OUTGOING SYNC (HP Quality Center)             =
replica.reference      = defect.reference
replica.project        = defect.project
replica.customFields."user-08" = defect.customFields."user-08" //Label: Production error / Error in production since
replica.customFields."detected-in-rel" = defect.customFields."detected-in-rel"


issue.customFields."Reference".value = replica.reference
issue.customFields."HP QC ID".value =
issue.customFields."Project".value = replica.project

Version Synchronization
def remoteVersions = replica.customFields."detected-in-rel"?.value
issue.customFields."Detected in Release / Version".value =
  remoteVersions?.collect { v -> nodeHelper.createVersion(issue,, v.description) } ?: []
def remoteVersions2 = replica.customFields."user-08"?.value
issue.customFields."Production errors / errors in production from".value =
  remoteVersions?.collect { v -> nodeHelper.createVersion(issue,, v.description) } ?: []  

There are no error messages when I save the code or when the Sync is executing. The field values just won't synchronize to Jira. I have made sure that the versions in question exist within the Jira project.

There is currently no backwards synchronization configured.

Thanks for your help.

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    1 answer


      In the meantime, the code has changed to this but is still not working for the fields under "//This is not  working":


      if(entityType == 'testCase') {
      replica.key            = testCase.key
      replica.owner          = testCase.owner 
      replica.summary        = testCase.summary
      replica.description    = testCase.description
      replica.comments       = commentHelper.getSingleCommentFromCommentsArea(testCase)
      replica.status         = testCase.status
      replica.attachments    = testCase.attachments
      //Test Case "user fields" sync
      //replica.customFields."TS_USER_05" = testCase.customFields."TS_USER_05"
      } else {
      replica.key            = defect.key
      replica.owner          = defect.owner 
      replica.reporter       = defect.detectedBy
      replica.summary        = defect.summary
      replica.description    = defect.description
      replica.comments       = commentHelper.getSingleCommentFromCommentsArea(defect)
      replica.status         = defect.status
      replica.attachments    = defect.attachments
      replica.severity       = defect.severity
      replica.created        = defect.created
      replica.updated        = defect.updated
      // These are not working.             =
      replica.reference      = defect.reference
      replica.project        = defect.project
      replica.customFields."user-08" = defect.customFields."Production error" //Label: Production error / Error in production since
      replica.customFields."detected-in-rel" = defect.customFields."Detected in Release / Version"


         issue.projectKey   = "INTTP"
         // Set type name from source issue, if not found set a default
         issue.typeName     = nodeHelper.getIssueType(replica.typeName)?.name ?: "Defect"
      issue.summary      = replica.summary
      //issue.description  = replica.description
      issue.description = replica.description?.take(32767-3) + "..."
      issue.labels       = replica.labels
      //issue.comments     = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica)
      issue.attachments  = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(issue, replica)
      issue.created      = replica.created
      issue.updated      = replica.updated
      issue.fixVersions  = replica.fixVersions
      issue.resolutionDate = replica.resolutionDate
      issue.affectedVersions = replica.affectedVersions
      User Synchronization (Assignee/Reporter)
      Set a Reporter/Assignee from the source side, if the user can't be found set a default user
      You can use this approach for custom fields of type User
      def defaultUser = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail("")
      issue.reporter = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.reporter?.email) ?: defaultUser
      issue.assignee = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.assignee?.email) ?: defaultUser
      Comment Synchronization
      Sync comments with the original author if the user exists in the local instance
      Remove original Comments sync line if you are using this approach
      issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica){ it.executor = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail( }
      Status Synchronization
      Sync status according to the mapping [remote issue status: local issue status]
      If statuses are the same on both sides don't include them in the mapping
      def statusMapping = ["Closed": "Closed", "Eingeplant": "Open", "Erfasst": "Open", "Fixed": "Fixed", "Im Test": "In Progress", "In Arbeit": "In Progress", "New": "Open", "Open": "Open", "Rejected": "Cancelled"]
      def remoteStatusName =
      issue.setStatus(statusMapping[remoteStatusName] ?: remoteStatusName)
      Severity Synchronization
      Sync severity according to the mapping [remote issue severity: local issue severity]
      If severities are the same on both sides don't include them in the mapping
      def severityMapping = ["1-Low": "1-Ohne", "2-Medium": "2-Unwesentlich", "3-High": "3-Mittel", "4-Very High": "4-Schwer", "5-Urgent": "5-Blocker"]
      def remoteSeverityName = replica.severity
      issue.customFields."Severity".value = severityMapping[remoteSeverityName] ?: "1-Ohne"
      //The following fields are not working, including the version synchronization
      issue.customFields."Reference".value = replica.reference
      issue.customFields."HP QC ID".value =
      issue.customFields."Project".value = replica.project
      Version Synchronization
      def remoteVersions = replica.customFields."Detected in Release / Version"?.value
      issue.customFields."Detected in Release / Version".value =
        remoteVersions?.collect { v -> nodeHelper.createVersion(issue,, v.description) } ?: []
      def remoteVersions2 = replica.customFields."Production error"?.value
      issue.customFields."Production error".value =
        remoteVersions?.collect { v -> nodeHelper.createVersion(issue,, v.description) } ?: []  
      // throw new Exception("The value is: ${replica.project}") --> wrong value is synchronized (Project custom field shows com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubProject@df701a86(
      // throw new Exception("The value is: ${}") --> value is Null error
      // throw new Exception("The value is: ${replica.reference}") --> value is Null error
      // throw new Exception("The value is: ${replica.customFields."user-08"}") --> value is Null error
      // throw new Exception("The value is: ${replica.customFields."detected-in-rel"}") --> value is Null error
      1. Juan Grases


        Actually the detected-in-rel is synced as

        replica.affectedVersions = defect.affectedVersions

        Is not a custom field. Regarding the CF, could you try:

        replica.customFields."user-08" = defect.customFields."Production error" 

        Normally using the label should work.

        Best regards,


      2. Sebastian Petruschat

        Hi Juan Grases
        Thannks for your reply. In this case the field detected-in-rel is a custom field since our customer uses it in addition to Affects version/s to indicate the exact release in which the defect has been discovered.

        Unfortunately, your suggested use of the label does not yield the desired result.



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