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Visual mode: sync assignees


Exalate has been setup using the visual mode to sync Jira and Azure DevOps.
The assignee of a task isn’t being synced (in neither direction). In both Jira and Azure the Active Directory accounts are being used. These should match on both sides.
I am overlooking something to get this working?

Jira: Assignee <--> Azure DevOps: Assigned To

  1. Francis Martens (Exalate)

    On Azure Side the emails are shown as <UID> and on Jira side the <full email address> not a string match.
    How can they be straighten?

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1 answer



    The reason why Exalate cannot set the assignee is because it cannot map the email addresses.

    You can use a script rule in the visual editor to implement this specific business logic.
    More details are available in the documentation Script Rule Examples


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