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Issue with Zendesk Assignee and Jira Cloud Assignee sync



I've hit an error where my Jira ticket Assignee isn't syncing to the Zendesk ticket Assignee.

I've tried getUsergetUserByEmailgetUserByFullName & getUserByUsername.

What appears to be occurring is, all of these functions will query the people list in Zendesk and return a value if they exist or a null if they do not.

It does not differentiate if the user is an End User or a Staff Member. Our users in Jira are not all Staff Members in Zendesk.

Setting a DefaultUser value is only effective when the user doesn't exist in the Zendesk people list.

What it appears to do on sync from Jira to Zendesk is:

  1. Lookup the user in the Zendesk People list
  2. Return a value if the user is found.
  3. Attempt to write the update to the Zendesk ticket.
  4. Fail to assign the User when they are only an End User
  5. Set the Ticket Assignee to the Group.

No error is generated.

Our reporting is impacted as it looks like tickets are not being picked up. 

When a Jira card is closed by someone who is only a Zendesk End User, this also prevents the ticket from being closed with no user assigned and generates a sync error.

Does anyone have a workaround for this?

My only idea so far is to create a Case statement to check if the assignee matches on of our 21 staff members in Zendesk and if not matching, use someone as a default.

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    1 answer


      So the problem is that the user is found, but you can't distinguish between end-users and staff.

      1. Andrew Hogan

        Yes, thats correct

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