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Converting user mentions in the cloud format when there is an incoming sync from the DC/Server


Hi there,

Can someone help me in modifying the script, so that when there is incoming sync of comments from Server/DC to cloud Jira it should convert user mentions in the cloud format so that it updates properly in the comments?

I have managed to do this on Server/DC Jira when there is incoming sync from the cloud. However, I am facing difficulties while doing the same for the cloud.

Please help me with this.



  1. Serhiy Onyshchenko

    Hey, Eshwar Palem, might I ask you to share your Outgoing sync script from on-prem
    and your incoming sync script for cloud (maybe just the parts concerning comments)?

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1 answer


    Also have you seen this article?
    you could replace every mention sent from server with email:

    ** This code snippet illustrates how mentions can be replaced with the actual name of the mentionee
    ** Use this in a data filter
    replica.comments	   = issue.comments.collect {
    			  comment ->
                  def matcher  = comment.body =~ /\[~(\w+)\]/
                  def newCommentBody = comment.body
                  matcher.each {
                      target = "[~$nodeHelper.getUser(it[1])?.email]"
                      newCommentBody = newCommentBody.replace(it[0], target)
                  comment.body = newCommentBody

    And then use similar logic on cloud to lookup a user using email
    Please, let me know if this helps

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