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Setting a value based on a labels (jira - > Azure)


We try to set the Area Iteration Path in Azure based on the Labels received from Jira on prem. If workItem.labels contains the Tag/label "Cockpit" then it should set the value for iterationPath to "xxx" else its "DGB" set it to "yyy". Unfortuanatly I always get the default path.. 

Does anyone have a idea what i'm doing wrong? (wink)

Many thanks,


if (workItem.labels.contains("Cockpit")) {
     workItem.iterationPath = "ExtensionTest\\Cockpit"}
else if (workItem.labels.contains("DGB")) {
     workItem.iterationPath = "ExtensionTest\\DGB"}
else {
workItem.iterationPath = "ExtensionTest\\Incidents"}

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    1 answer


      You can use a 'debug statement to see what path is being followed like

      if (workItem.labels.contains("Cockpit")) {
           debug.error("Should be cockpit because workItem.labels '${workItem.label}'")
           workItem.iterationPath = "ExtensionTest\\Cockpit"}
      else if (workItem.labels.contains("DGB")) {
           debug.error("Should be DGB because workItem.labels '${workItem.label}'")
           workItem.iterationPath = "ExtensionTest\\DGB"}
      else {
           debug.error("Is incidents because workItem.labels '${workItem.label}'")
      workItem.iterationPath = "ExtensionTest\\Incidents"}

      With this, when ADO receives a message from Jira, an error will be raised containing details about the branch taken and the value of the workItem.labels.

      You will have to take it from there.

      1. Daniel Estermann

        Hi Francis,

        Thanks for the hint. Seems like the value in workItem.Labels is not what i expected. My understand was, that the workItem.labels is first mapped with the replica.labels and that I can then work with the mapped content (labels).  

        As I'm not a dev this is obviously wrong. (wink)

        How do i put the content (labels) into a field where the script below can read it? 

        Many thanks for your help

        javax.script.ScriptException: com.exalate.api.exception.IssueTrackerException: Is incidents because workItem.labels '[com.exalate.basic.domain.hubobject.v1.BasicHubLabel@1081f]'

        workItem.summary = replica.summary
        workItem.description = replica.description
        workItem.priority = replica.priority
        workItem.labels = replica.labels
        workItem.attachments = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(workItem, replica)
        workItem.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(workItem, replica)

        if (workItem.labels.contains("Cockpit")) {
        debug.error("Should be cockpit because workItem.labels '${workItem.labels}'")
        workItem.iterationPath = "ExtensionTest\\Cockpit"}
        else if (workItem.labels.contains("DGB")) {
        debug.error("Should be DGB because workItem.labels '${workItem.labels}'")
        workItem.iterationPath = "ExtensionTest\\DGB"}
        else {
        debug.error("Is incidents because workItem.labels '${workItem.labels}'")
        workItem.iterationPath = "ExtensionTest\\Incidents"}

      2. Francis Martens (Exalate)

        Daniel Estermann

        How does the label look like what is the output of the debug.error?

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