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How can we trigger transition during an update based on updates to few fields....?


When a incomming update snyc comes in... we want to trigger specific transition on the destination project only if certain fields are getting updated.... if certain fields are not changing we don't want to trigger any transition...

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    1 answer


      This logic can be added in the change processor with following generic code segment

      // Transition only if the 'check it' field is set to 'done' 
      if (issue.customFields."check it"?.value == "done") {
         workflowHelper.transition(issue, "next step")

      Hope this helps

      1. Samip K Banker


        What I want is to see if "check it" was updated or not... and only if this field is updated then perform "Next step"...


      2. Samip K Banker

        Any update on this?

      3. user-3fd1a


        Do you want to check if the local issue field is changed or the remote?

      4. Samip K Banker

        Is this posible in "Incomming Sync"

          If  (remote.customfield."check it".value != isuse.customfield."check it".value)


                // perform a  specific transition     


      5. user-3fd1a

        Sure, no problem

        Give it a try and let know  the outcome

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