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how to sync remote labes to local with adding prefix to local?


Dear sir,

I have a use case as below:

Remote server will sync all the lables which contains "mustfix". eg, sop_mustfix, mustfix_xxx, xxx_mustfix_yyy.

Our local incoming script  need add prefix "sync_" to all the labels. How to implement it?

remote                                                                     Local

sop_mustfix, mustfix_xxx, xxx_mustfix_yyy             sync_sop_mustfix, sync_mustfix_xxx, sync_xxx_mustfix_yyy


  issue.labels += replica.labels.collect { it.label = it.label.replace(" ", "sync_"); it }  //I do not know how to add the prefix here


else //if remote delete the label, we also need delete


if( (replica.labels.label.join(" ")=="")  &&  (issue.labels.findAll { it.label.contains("sync_") })  )

    issue.labels = issue.labels-nodeHelper.getLabel("????")    //I do not know how to clear the lable


Best regards,


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