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Issue created with empty mandatory fields


Hi all,

We establish a local connection.
when Exlatae opening a Jira (automatically, from the trigger) the Jira is opened without fill some mandatory field.

  • Setup sync with a project which has mandatory fields in the field config
  • sync an issue which creates an issue in the project
  • It succeeds which is unexpected



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    1 answer


      The exalate for Jira Server/Datacenter is currently using the issuemanager interface to create issues.

      This interface doesn't enforce the fact that some fields are mandatory, and hence you might end up with an issue where these fields are empty.

      As a best practice - ensure that for each of these fields a default value is set.

      For instance - if the description is mandatory please add following code

      ** Assume that the issue.description is mandatory.  
      ** In case that the incoming message has no description set, ensure that 
      ** a description is given (using the elvis operator)
      issue.description = replica.description ?: "No description provided"

      PS. Description of the elvis operator ( ?: ) can be found here.  It  is called as such because it looks like an elvis emoticon.

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