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Comments restriction


Hi all,

I have established 2 connection

  1. local connection: A1----CONNECTION1----B1
  2. External connection  C1----CONNECTION2----B1

Is there any way to restrict comments in the B1 project?

For example, if comment in A1, comment will appear in B1 and automatically will be appeared in C1.

But, comments in B1 need to sync to C1 only when a comment is visible to all users.

let me know if any clarification is needed.



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    2 answers


      I have been working on this challenge with maya, and the challenge is a bit more complex.

      There are 2  instances and 4 projects at play

      • External Instance (label JSD)
        with one service desk project
      • Internal Instance (Label INT)  with 3 projects
        Internal  service desk and 2 dev projects: dev project A  and dev project  B


      The comment related requirements are

      • Comments on the external service desk need to go to the internal service desk and ripple through to the dev projects
      • Comments on the dev project(s) should only go  to the internal  service desk project but not to the external service desk
      • Comments from the dev project on the internal  service desk must be restricted, while the comments  from the internal service desk on the dev project must be open
      • If a comment is  made  on dev project A, then  it should not ripple through  to  dev project B or the original  ticket (on the external service desk)

      The whole use  case is documented on our documentation site (including a suggested solution)

      Check out Comment visibility - an advanced use case

      1. maya

        Thank you Francis.

        I'll check this out.

      2. maya

        Hi Francis,

        When trying to implement this

        • Comments from the dev project on the internal  service desk must be restricted, while the comments  from the internal service desk on the dev project must be open

        I try to add it to the internal Incoming sync:

        comment.roleLevel = ( == "Customers") ? "Altair Internal Users" : null

         It didn't work for me.

        The internal Sync is working but without restricted comment in the 'internal service desk' project.

        Also, the sync to the external service desk is stuck ( Exalate status is "in progress" without showing any error)

        any idea why is this happen?



      3. user-3fd1a

        There are 2 problems here

        a) the restriction is not applied

        b) the external  sync is stuck

        Can you analyze both problems separately?
        If you want to use some of the allocated professional services hours - we can do this analysis if we can get access to your environment. 

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      Hi Maya,

      In the outgoing filter of the B1 side in the B1 - C1 connection, you can have logic to only send comments if there are no role or group limitations, for example with something like this:

      replica.comments = issue.comments.findAll { it.roleLevel == null && it.groupLevel == null }

      Let me know if this is a solution for you.



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