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Resolution sync issue - Cannot get property name on null object


To sync the resolution from Jira to ServiceNow, I have written below code in the incoming sync of SNOW. It was working before. However, when I retested, it gave me error in the line #9 - Cannot get property name on null object.

if(entity.tableName == "incident") {
  entity.close_notes = "Resolved in Jira"
    entity.close_code = replica.resolution
    def resolutionMap = [
        "Done" : "Solved",
        "Won't Do" : "Closed/Resolved by Requester",
        "Known Error" :  "Not Solved"
    def targetResolutionName = resolutionMap[] ?: "Solved" //issue in this line 
    entity.close_code = resolutionMap[targetResolutionName] ?: targetResolutionName //close_code is name of the field (Resolution code) in SNOW.
  1. Ariel Aguilar

    Hi Archita,

    Is there a chance the issue that caused the error, did not have any value matching the resolutionMap? Then if the value is coming "null" you can try:

    if(entity.tableName == "incident") {
      entity.close_notes = "Resolved in Jira"
        entity.close_code = replica.resolution
        def resolutionMap = [
            "Done" : "Solved",
            "Won't Do" : "Closed/Resolved by Requester",
            "Known Error" :  "Not Solved"
        def targetResolutionName = resolutionMap[replica.resolution?.name?] ?: "Solved" //***this was the only line modified***
        entity.close_code = resolutionMap[targetResolutionName] ?: targetResolutionName //close_code is name of the field (Resolution code) in SNOW.

    Let me know if this works for you.

    Kind regards,


  2. Archita Gupta

    Hi Ariel,

    Thanks for your response. I added your changes and now getting below error.

    'Script cannot be saved. Details: startup failed: Script408.groovy: 34: unexpected token: ? @ line 34, column 70. onMap[replica.resolution?.name?] ?: "Sol ^ 1 error '



  3. Archita Gupta


    I removed the extra question mark after name and it worked. 

    def targetResolutionName = resolutionMap[replica.resolution?.name] ?: "Solved" 

    However, this is my outgoing sync and is throwing error which is why
    state in Jira is not changing to Resolved and resolution code is not syncing
    Can you help?
    replica.resolution     = entity.close_code
    close_code is the internal name for Resolution code.
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1 answer


    //This is the definition in the Jira instance Incoming sync connection

    def remoteStatusName =

    def statusMap = ["Open":"Open", "Work in Progress":"In Progress",
    "Pending":"Needs Info", "Closed Complete":"Resolved",
    "Resolved": "Resolved" , "In Progress":"In Progress","New":"Open", "On Hold":"Needs Info", "Canceled":"Closed", "Closed":"Closed"]

    if (replica.status == null || == null ||
        statusMap.get( == null) {
      issue.comments = commentHelper.addComment("Remote status is unknown or cannot be mapped - can't handle it", issue.comments)

    else if ( == "Resolved" ){
      issue.resolution = nodeHelper.getResolution("Fixed")
    else if ( == "Closed" ){
      issue.resolution = nodeHelper.getResolution("Done")
    else {

    if (replica.resolution == null) {
       // if the remote issue is not resolved
       issue.resolution = null
    if (replica.resolution != null) {
       // the remote issue is resolved, but the local isn't - look up the correct local resolution object.
       def resolutionMap = [
            "Solved" : "Done",
            "Closed/Resolved by Requester" : "Won't Do",
            "Not Solved" :  "Won't Fix"
       // use 'done' as resolution if the remote resolution is not found
       def targetResolutionName = resolutionMap[] ?: "Done"
       // nodeHelper.getResolution looks up the local resolution object based on the provided name
       issue.resolution = nodeHelper.getResolution(targetResolutionName)

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