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Need Clarification about Incoming and Outgoing connection for scripted mode using 'if' statement


We are using same instance (connection) to sync between two projects "DAR" and "OEM", We are not sure which project is outgoing sync and incoming sync.

We are using two way connection, where all fields to be synced in one way and only few fields should be synced in other way.

DAR -> OEM Sync
If we sync from DAR to OEM, all fields in DAR should sync to OEM side.

OEM ->DAR Sync
If we sync from OEM to DAR, only comments and attachments field should sync.

Please assist.

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    1 answer


      Hi there.

      For DAR -> OEM Sync

      You specify on the Outgoing on Dar side, all fields needed and on OEM side you allow on the Incoming all the fields needed.

      OEM ->DAR Sync

      You specify on the Outgoing on Oem side only comments and attachments, and on Dar side you allow on the incoming only comments and attachments.

      Hope this helps.

      Kind regards,


      1. Moogambigai G R

        Thanks for you answer

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