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Text Field is not syncing


Hi Team,

We have a text field called "Software Level 2" and "OEM Software Level 2". we are trying to sync two fields, but field is not syncing.

We have other text fields also, but those fields are syncing perfectly.

Outgoing sync:
replica.customFields."11201" = issue.customFields."17049" //Software leve1 2 //OEM Software level 2

Incoming sync:
issue."17049" = replica."11201" //Software leve1 2 //OEM Software level 2

Please assist.

Moogambigai G R

  1. Ariel Aguilar

    Hi there,

    The outgoing is fine. However, for the incoming, you should try:

    issue.customFields."17049".value = replica.customFields."11201".value //Software leve1 2 //OEM Software level 2

    Let me know if that works for you.

    Kind regards,


  2. Moogambigai G R

    Hi Ariel,

    We have tried the solution in incoming side, still its not syncing.

    Outgoing sync:
    replica.customFields."11201" = issue.customFields."17049" //Software leve1 2 //OEM Software level 2

    Incoming sync:

    issue.customFields."17049".value = replica.customFields."11201".value //Software leve1 2 //OEM Software level 2

    Please assist.

    Moogambigai G R

  3. Moogambigai G R

    Hi Ariel,

    We are trying to sync in same instance from one project to other project (DAR →OEM).

    • If Same field id is used in both project the sync is happening.

                Outgoing sync:
                replica.customFields."11201" = issue.customFields."11201" //Software leve1 2 

               Incoming sync:

          issue.customFields."11201" = replica.customFields."11201"//Software leve1 2 

    • If different custom field id is used to sync from one to project to other, sync is not happening.

                Outgoing sync:
                replica.customFields."11201" = issue.customFields."17049" //Software leve1 2 //OEM Software level 2

                Incoming sync:

          issue.customFields."17049".value = replica.customFields."11201".value //Software leve1 2 //OEM Software level 2

    Please assist


    Moogambigai G R

  4. Moogambigai G R

    Hi Ariel Aguilar 

    Any update on my questions?


    Moogambigai G R

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1 answer


    Hi Moogambigai G R 

    Just to confirm the field on the remote end is also a text custom field? 

    If its a different kind of custom field the configuration varies depending on the type(dropdown, single select..., also is the field from a plugin?)

    If its a regular single line text custom field the lines below should work in the incoming code:

    issue.customFields."17049".value = replica.customFields."11201".value

    or in short syntax:

    issue."17049" = replica."11201"

    A method you could use to check what value is being received from on the remote end  is to use a debug statement, this will log and error showing the value specified:

    debug.error("The value received is from the custom field is:  ${replica.customFields."11201".value}")

    I believe that the problem is the custom field type on the remote end.

    Let me know your findings.



    1. Moogambigai G R

      Thankyou, its working Now.

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