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Jira on-premise: User from Database Picker custom field to Assignee field



  1. Synchronisation Jira on-premise A to Jira on-premise B.
  2. On A side Single choice Database Picker cf "AssigneeJIRASW" is connected to side's B users DataBase.
  3. During the synchronisation, the value from cf "AssigneeJIRASW" of side A need to fill-in the value of "Assignee" field on the destination B side.


  • Single choice Database Picker return a Json String value instead of a simple String


Without JIRA API imports:

/* firtssyncs and other fields syncs */

// CF "AssigneeJIRASW" to target "Assignee" field
String AssigneeJIRASW = replica.customFields."AssigneeJIRASW".value?.getAsString()

def defaultUser = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail("")
if (AssigneeJIRASW) {
    issue.assignee = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(AssigneeJIRASW) 
} else {
    issue.assignee = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.assignee?.email) ?: defaultUser
issue.reporter = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.reporter?.email) ?: defaultUser

With JIRA API imports:

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.sal.api.component.ComponentLocator
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.IssueManager
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.CustomFieldManager

/* firtssyncs and other fields syncs */

// CF "AssigneeJIRASW" to target "Assignee" field
def issueSR = ComponentLocator.getComponent(IssueManager).getIssueObject(replica.key)
def cField = ComponentAccessor.customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("AssigneeJIRASW")
def cFieldValue = issueSR.getCustomFieldValue(cField)

def defaultUser = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail("")
if(cFieldValue) {
    issue.assignee = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(cFieldValue)
} else {
    issue.assignee = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.assignee?.email) ?: defaultUser
issue.reporter = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.reporter?.email) ?: defaultUser

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      Single choice Database Picker cf "AssigneeJIRASW" custom field configuration:

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