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Sync sprints with separate projectMapping and issueTypeMapping



We have attempted to sync sprints with our current configuration and have been unsuccessful. Can we please get a recommendation on the proper way to sync sprints from the Source to the Destination instance.

We attempted to follow the direction in this article, but were unsuccessful. Source side is Jira Cloud, Destination side is Jira server/on-premise. 



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    1 answer


      Hello, Kyle Jenkins 

      Thanks for reaching out on the community!
      Might I ask you to try using the following configuration, please?
      Note, that

      boardIds = ["50", "80", "130", "144"]

      should be using the actual board ids of the source side from which you'd like to sync sprints from

      sprintMap = ["50":"162", "80":"197", "130":"214", "144":"225"] //[remoteBoardId: localBoardId]

      Which should use the same ids on the left hand side and destination board ids.

      Nextly, Bulk Exalate all the sprints, make sure an active trigger is in place.

      Finally, feel free to sync the related issues.
      Please, let me know, how it goes.
      Regards, Serhiy

      1. Kyle Jenkins

        Hi Serhiy, 

        Thanks for your support. Unfortunately, we received an error when implementing the code. We did indeed update the boardIds appropriately, but still received an error that blocked the connection from synching. 

        Steps to reproduce error:

        • Source side implements code into "Outgoing sync" and updates boardIds
        • Destination side implements code into "Incoming sync" and updates boardIds in sprintMap mapping
        • Source side creates trigger to exalate all sprints related to corresponding board, sets trigger to 'active', and bulk exalates on trigger
          (confirmation popup: you are about to exalate 134 sprints...)
        • Source side confirms bulk exalate on trigger

        Expected result

        • sprints are synced to Destination side on defined board

        Actual result

        • connection shows an error on Destination side and connection is blocked

        Here's the detailed text of the error: Exalate error text - 2022-05-12 - sprint sync error destination side.txt

        Please advise.


      2. Serhiy Onyshchenko

        Hello, Kyle Jenkins , might I ask you to share the sync rules, you'd implemented, please?
        I can see the error stack trace points to the usage of the issue  variable on line 1, but in my gist: line one has no variable "issue"
        Regards, Serhiy.

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