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Jira on-prem: Can Exalate create comment on behalf of SD reporter / request participant?



  • configure local connection between any project (SOURCE) and a service desk project (DESTINATION)

  • instead of the standard 

    issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica)


    if (! firstSync && replica.project.key == "SOURCE") {
      issue.comments     = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica, {
        comment ->
        comment.executor = issue.reporter
      })} else {
        issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica)
  • sync an issue from the SOURCE project

The comment is created on behalf of the reporter

An error, claiming permission problems with the reporter

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    1 answer


      Hello, Serhiy Onyshchenko 
      CC: Jonathon Irwin
      I was able to reproduce the permissions problem, and I'll pass it on to the dev team.
      As a work-around you may use the Jira's API like this:

      incoming sync script
      if (firstSync && replica.project.key == "DESTINATION") {
         issue.projectKey   = "SOURCE"
         issue.typeName     = nodeHelper.getIssueType(replica.type?.name, issue.projectKey)?.name ?: "Task"
      if (firstSync && replica.project.key == "SOURCE") {
         issue.projectKey   = "DESTINATION"
         issue.reporter = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail("")
         issue.typeName     = "IT Help"
         issue.customFields."Customer Request Type".value = "IT help"
      issue.summary      = replica.summary
      issue.description  = replica.description
      import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
      import com.atlassian.jira.util.json.JSONObject
      import com.exalate.basic.domain.BasicNonPersistentTrace
      if (!firstSync && replica.project.key == "SOURCE") {
          replica.addedComments.each {
              remoteComment ->
              final SD_PUBLIC_COMMENT = "sd.public.comment"
              def isInternal = remoteComment.internal || remoteComment.roleLevel != null || remoteComment.groupLevel != null
              def properties = [(SD_PUBLIC_COMMENT): new JSONObject(["internal": isInternal ])]
              //def commentUserId = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(
              def commentUserId = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail("")?.key
              def commentUser = ComponentAccessor.userManager.getUserByKey(commentUserId)
              def commentManager = ComponentAccessor.getCommentManager()
              def authContext = ComponentAccessor.jiraAuthenticationContext
              def curIssue = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager().getIssueObject(issue.key as String)
              try {
                  def comment = commentManager.create(curIssue,commentUser,remoteComment.body,null,null,new Date(),properties,false)
                  def trace = new com.exalate.basic.domain.BasicNonPersistentTrace(
                      com.exalate.api.domain.twintrace.TraceType.COMMENT, //TraceType type, 
             as String, //String localId, 
                      remoteComment.remoteId as String, //String remoteId, 
                      com.exalate.api.domain.twintrace.TraceAction.NONE, //TraceAction action,
                      true //boolean toSynchronize
              } catch (e) {
                  log.error("#comments failed to create a comment `${remoteComment.body}` as `${commentUserId}`", e)
                  throw e
      } else {
          issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica)
      issue.attachments  = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(issue, replica)
      issue.labels       = replica.labels

      Note, how I use "" for both the reporter and the comment author (hardcoded).

      there were 2 tricks made:

      1. create the comment using the Jira API
      2. make Exalate aware of the comment that was just created so that updates would arrive to the right place

      And here's the video showcasing the entire exchange:

      Happy Exalating!

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