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Account for internal comments when using mentions handling


I am currently synchronising a Jira Service Desk instance with a Jira Software instance. To sync comments I am using the following outgoing sync

replica.comments = issue.comments.findAll{!it.internal}

I want to to sanitize mentions when synchronizing issues as shown here:

How do I add internal comments handling to the following code block in our outgoing sync?

replica.comments = issue.comments.collect {
    comment ->
    def matcher  = comment.body =~ /\[~accountid:([\w:-]+)\]/
    def newCommentBody = comment.body
    matcher.each {
        target = nodeHelper.getUser(it[1])?.displayName ?: "Stranger"
        newCommentBody = newCommentBody.replace(it[0],target)
    comment.body = newCommentBody

I need to ensure that I am not sending any internal comments, I tried the following, but that introduced a NULL exception:

replica.comments = issue.comments.collect {
    comment ->
    if (!comment.internal){
		def matcher  = comment.body =~ /\[~accountid:([\w:-]+)\]/
    	def newCommentBody = comment.body
    	matcher.each {
        	target = nodeHelper.getUser(it[1])?.displayName ?: "Stranger"
        	newCommentBody = newCommentBody.replace(it[0],target)
    	comment.body = newCommentBody
  1. Ariel Aguilar

    You may try the following:

    replica.comments = issue.comments.collect {
        comment ->
        def matcher  = comment.body =~ /\[~accountid:([\w:-]+)\]/
        def newCommentBody = comment.body
        matcher.each {
            target = nodeHelper.getUser(it[1])?.displayName ?: "Stranger"
            newCommentBody = newCommentBody.replace(it[0],target)
        comment.internal = false
        comment.body = newCommentBody

    Kind regards,


  2. Waleed Al-Dabbas

    Hi Ariel,

    My understanding is this would make all comments sync (including internal comments). What I am want to do is to ensure that I do not send internal comments.

    Thank you and kind regards,


  3. Ariel Aguilar

    I see..

    Try this:

    replica.comments = issue.comments.findAll{!it.internal}.collect {
        comment ->
        def matcher  = comment.body =~ /\[~accountid:([\w:-]+)\]/
        def newCommentBody = comment.body 
        matcher.each {
            target = nodeHelper.getUser(it[1])?.displayName ?: "Stranger"
            newCommentBody = newCommentBody.replace(it[0],target)
        comment.body = newCommentBody

    Kind regards,


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