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Sync user mentions in comments between Jira Cloud and ADO



In ADO and JIRA, we are using the @mention control to start or continue a discussion within work item discussion or any rich-text field. 

We are using ADO and JIRA systems. We want to sync comments with user mentions provided in comments in both the directions.

Does Exalate support this feature?


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    1 answer



      With Exalate script mode, you can achieve this use case, the only pre-requisite is user property should be same like email id should be same in both the system. 

      1. ADO to JIRA Sync:

      ADO Outgoing Sync
      def newComment
      def allComments = workItem.comments.collect {
          comment ->
      def comment1=comment.body
      def matcher  = comment1 =~ /(?<=data-vss-mention="version:2.0,).*?(?=\")/
      matcher.each {
      def userId=nodeHelper.getUser(x,"project_key")?.email
       if (userId) 
         def matcher1  = comment =~ /<a href="#" data-vss-mention="version:2.0,${x}.*?<\/a>/
      replica.comments       = nodeHelper.stripHtmlFromComments(allComments)

      Here is the high level notes:

      • In ADO, user mentions are written in following HTML code:

      <div><a href="#" data-vss-mention="version:2.0,{user id}">@John Doe<a/> Testing mentioning</div>

      • We need to fetch the {user id} from this HTML code and using this user id, find the email id of that user 
      • For that, we are using getUser method with ADO Project Key
      • Replace this whole <a> tag with following code:

      [~accountid:{email id}]

      Jira InComing Sync
      for(comment in replica.addedComments){
          def newCommentBody=comment.body
          def matcher  = comment.body =~ /\[~accountid:([a-zA-Z0-9+._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\]/
       matcher.each {
          def target = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(x[1])?.key ?:x[1]
          newCommentBody = newCommentBody.replace(x[1],target)
       comment.body=  newCommentBody
      def addedComments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica)

      Here is the high level notes:

      • From ADO, we are receiving comment in following format:

      [~accountid:{email id}]

      • We are fetching these emails using regex (of course there might be multiple mentions)
      • Using getUserByEmail method, we are fetching user account key using that email id
      • Then replacing email id with account id

      2. JIRA to ADO Sync:

      JIRA Outgoing Sync
      String start1="#exalate_comment#"
      String end1="#exalate_comment_end#"
      replica.comments = issue.comments.collect {
      comment ->
          def matcher  = comment.body =~ /\[~accountid:([\w:-]+)\]/
          def newCommentBody = comment.body
          matcher.each {
           target = nodeHelper.getUser(it[1])?.email ?: "Stranger"          
           target = start1+target+end1
           newCommentBody = newCommentBody.replace(it[0],target)
          comment.body = newCommentBody

      Here is the high level notes:

      • JIRA stores user mentions in following format:[~accountid:{account id}]
      • So we are fetching account id using the regex and for that account id we are fetching email id of the user 
      • Now,  at target side we need to replace Jira's format with ADO format, to avoid other email id (may be written in plain text) we are sending User mentions between specified string
      • We are sending email ids in following format:


      • Instead of "Stranger" we can use email id of default user

      ADO Incoming Sync
      String start1="#exalate_comment#"
      String end1="#exalate_comment_end#"
      for(comment in replica.addedComments)
        def matcher  = comment.body =~ /(?<=#exalate_comment#).*?(?=#exalate_comment_end#)/
       matcher.each {
         def userId=nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(x,"Project_key")?.key
           def string = "<a href=\"#\" data-vss-mention=\"version:2.0,"+userId+"\"></a>"
           def test = comment.body.replaceAll(start1+ x + end1,string)
           comment.body = test

      Here is the high level notes:

      • From JIRA we are receiving user mention information as follows:


      • Following is the format in ADO for user mentions:

      <div><a href="#" data-vss-mention="version:2.0,{user id}">@John Doe<a/> Testing mentioning</div>

      • So, from each comment we are getting email id, we use getUserByEmail method to get ADO user account key corresponding to that email id
      • Then replace the format coming from JIRA with ADO user mention format

      Note: Comment or remove script which is already there for comment



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