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SF to JIRA sync script need proper case number mapping



We need to map actual SalesForce case number (like 05934910) to a custom field on Jira side, right now we are getting a value like this: 500Di00000R0auZIAR

Current SF mapping is like this for the field

SF Outgoing sync

if(entity.entityType == "Case") {
  replica.key            = entity.Id
  replica.summary        = entity.Subject
  replica.description    = entity.Description

Jira incoming sync

else if (issue.projectKey == "NUM"){issue.customFields."SalesForce Case Number".value = replica.key}

We would like to have the proper field that needs to be sent from SF to have the actual case number instead of the long string we are currently getting.

  1. Ariel Aguilar


    SF Outgoing sync

    if(entity.entityType == "Case") {
      replica.key            = entity.Id
      replica.summary        = entity.Subject
      replica.description    = entity.Description
      replica.number         = entity.CaseNumber

    Jira incoming sync

    else if (issue.projectKey == "NUM"){
    issue.customFields."SalesForce Case Number".value = replica.number

    Kind regards,


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