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When issue links are removed on the remote site you want them to be removed on your side as well.

This documentation will show you how to do this.

To sync over issue links you first need to add "replica.issueLinks = issue.issueLinks" in your outging sync.

Outgoing Sync
replica.issueLinks = issue.issueLinks

To receive the issue link you need to add "issue.issueLinks = replica.issueLinks" in your incoming sync.

First we need to import "jsonSlurper" 

Import json Slurper
 import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

Add this code to your script.

What we do is we create a function that will check if your link exsists within a list of issueLinks.

if they don't exsists within that list it means the issue link is removed on the remote side. so we'll add that issueLink to the toDelete variable.
In the delete() function we'll retrieve the issueLinkd if we have that ID whe can use a httpClient to remove the issueLink from our issue.

Last we loop over our toDelete list and apply the delete() function to remove the issueLinks.

Incoming sync
// import jsonSlurper
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

// Check if a link exists in a list of links
def contains(link, remoteLinks) {
    for(_link in remoteLinks) {
        def localLinkId = nodeHelper.getLocalIssueKeyFromRemoteId(_link.otherIssueId).id
        if(localLinkId == link.otherIssueId) {
            return true
    return false

// A list that will hold all links we wish to delete
def toDelete = []
// We loop over the replica issueLinks and resolve all links to a local issue key

def issueLinks = []
if ((replica.issueLinks.isEmpty()) && (!previous.issueLinks.isEmpty())){
    issueLinks = previous.issueLinks
    issueLinks = replica.issueLinks

for(remoteLink in issueLinks) {
    def localIssueId = nodeHelper.getLocalIssueKeyFromRemoteId(remoteLink.otherIssueId).id

    // If the local issue link is not present in the remote, then we should delete it
    for(link in issue.issueLinks) {
        if(!contains(link, replica.issueLinks)) {
            toDelete += link // so we add it to the list of items we wish to delete

// sett issue.issueLinks = replica.issueLinks
issue.issueLinks = replica.issueLinks

def getLocalIssueLinksId(otherId){
    def restApiCall = httpClient.get("/rest/api/3/issue/${issue.key}") 
    def jsonText = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson(restApiCall) 
    def jsonParsed = new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonText)
    if (jsonParsed == null){

    def issueLinks = jsonParsed.fields.issuelinks

    for (int i = 0; i < issueLinks.size(); i++) {
        // TODO: check that inwardIssue exist if not use outwardIssue
        if(issueLinks[i]?.inwardIssue != null && issueLinks[i] == otherId.toString()) {
            return issueLinks[i].id
        if(issueLinks[i]?.outwardIssue != null && issueLinks[i] == otherId.toString()) {
            return issueLinks[i].id


def deleteRequest(path) {
    path = path.toString()
    def responseJson = (new JiraClient(httpClient)).http(
        ["sysparm_display_value": ["true"]],
    ) { response -> 
        if (response.code >= 400) debug.error ("DELETE ${path} failed: ${response.code} ${response.body}".toString())
        else { if (response.body != null && !response.body.empty) (new JsonSlurper()).parseText(response.body) else null }

// delete an issue link
def delete(link) {
    def otherIssueId = link.otherIssueId
    def issueLinkId = getLocalIssueLinksId(otherIssueId)

    if(issueLinkId == null) {
        debug.error("Unable to find issue link ${issueLinkId} for issue '${issue.key}'")


// loop over all issuelinks we wish to delete, and delete them
for (link in toDelete) {
