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i am running a status sync mapping which looks like this,
if(replica.project.key == "SUP"){
issue.projectKey = "IPS"
issue.typeName = nodeHelper.getIssueType(replica.type?.name, issue.projectKey)?.name ?: "Support Case"
// ["remote status name": "local status name"]
def statusMap = [
"Open": "Pending Support",
"In Progress": "Pending Support",
"Pending Plugin": "Pending Support",
"Pending R&D": "Pending Support",
"Pending PS": "Pending Support",
"Pending MA": "Pending Support",
"Pending Research": "Pending Support",
"Pending other" : "Pending Support",
"Pending QA" : "Pending Support",
"Back From Pending" : "Pending Support",
"Team Leader Review": "Pending Support",
"Done": "Back From Support",
"Rejected": "Back From Support"
def remoteStatusName =
issue.setStatus(statusMap[remoteStatusName] ?: remoteStatusName)
but the issue i am having is every time we sync anything between the tickets, the ststus mapping kicks in and changes the status on the other side even when i dont want it to
(lets say i only wanted to sync the Jira comments right now)
is there a way to map in such a way that only in certain statuses the status mapping kicks in, and in other situations not ?
right now this sync issue is creating a problems from the team
after the initial sync when the each ticket has a life cycle and workflow it goes through that is not always relevant for the other side,
but when i add a comment it sync the status again also in accordance to the mapping, which is at this point not relevant anymore
i hope that makes sense