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Github "no options" for repositories.


Hi - I've configured my Github and Jira connectors, but whenever I try to make the connection, I see "no options" available for the repositories. 

No Repository - Initiate Connection.mp4
Github Authorization.mp4
No Repository - Accept Connection.mp4

  1. Ariel Aguilar

    Hi Lacey,

    Possibly this GitHub only contains private repositories. If it's the case, you should check the following document to make sure the Exalate proxy has all the permissions needed. See more info here:

    Kind regards,


  2. Lacey Keller

    Ariel Aguilar Thanks so much for sending that. I have the configurations just like that ... I did have to regenerate my token, which I think might be causing the issue?

    All the repos are private in our account, so that's definitely part of it.

  3. Ariel Aguilar

    Hi Lacey,

    Now that you have re-generated the token, are you able to display repositories now? 

    Kind regards,


  4. Lacey Keller

    Actually, it's worse. I cannot login into the github exalate site. 

  5. Ariel Aguilar

    Hi Lacey, 

    Please take a look to this:

    Kind regards,


  6. Lacey Keller

    Thanks! That's exactly what I am doing, but it's not letting me in. And the token is right. 

    I am also the account owner for the repository.

  7. Ariel Aguilar

    If you use a different browser, would it happen the same? Do you have any password manager that might be affecting this login attempt?

    Kind regards,


  8. Lacey Keller

    I've tried opening it in different browsers and in incognito mode, just in case of stored cookies too. Still nada

  9. Ariel Aguilar

    Hi Lacey,

    Are you trying to access with the token code? Could you please share a screenshot when it fails?

    The token code length should be 40 characters long. Is it?

    Kind regards,


  10. James Aman


    I encountered this same issue as Lacey but my organization has a mix of private and public repos. I attempted to create a new personal token with full `repo` and `admin:org` permissions but still received "No Options" when opening the repositories dropdown. I was able to get one step further by again regenerating another access token but this time with every permission available. With this second token I am able to see my personal repositories but not those of my org. Is the integration with Github still a supported feature?

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2 answers


    Good Afternoon. I seem to be having this issue as well. I'm only on the first attempt to try and integrate in my environment for evaluation and I'm running into the same issue that the aforementioned people described. Is there still support for this? 

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      Dear all,

      If you are having problems to display GitHub repositories, we recently found a bug which can be sorted by raising a support case. We are currently working to apply the fix on next release.

      You can submit a support request to our Service Desk directly. 

      Or just send an e-mail to 

      Kind regards,


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