
Hello. I got the next problem. Trying to sync Jira on-premise to Jira Cloud .

Script scheme shoosen script.

On cloud side in Incoming sync script placed  

issue.reporter = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.reporter.email)

reporter e-mail visible in Jira Cloud and Jira Server

But every time all issues synced with reporter “Exalate“

  1. Ariel Aguilar

    Hi Yevhen,

    To sync the reporter, you should use on the Incoming sync:

    issue.reporter = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.reporter.email)

    Kind regards,


  2. Yevhen

    Damn, I made mistake in my ask. I used this particular string, with 'reporter'

  3. Ariel Aguilar

    Hi Yevhen,

    Is this is not working, you might want to make sure the Exalate proxy user in Cloud side has proper permissions to edit / update the issue. Please check: https://docs.idalko.com/exalate/x/Rwp1Aw

    Let me know if it helped.

    Kind regards,


  4. Yevhen

    Hi Ariel,

    I appreciate your attention for my problem.

    I found that Exalate proxy-user  exist, even grant him all permissions for issues directly at both  sides (my current server, and cloud). In case sync from cloud to server problem resolved - reporter, assigne and other fields now correctly sync. But in case server to cloud sync I still got Exalate as reporter, and unassigned as assignee (((


    issue.reporter = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.reporter.email)
    issue.assignee = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.assignee.email)
    added on both Exalate connections for Incoming sync
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1 answer


    Hi Yevhen

    According to the Atlassian changes in user privacy policy, Jira Cloud user may hide the email address in the Atlassian account settings.
    This affects user fields synchronization since Exalate uses API to search by email. Therefore, make sure that the email is visible for the Exalate app in the Atlassian account.

    Also the nodeHelper.getUserByEmail will returns a null in case:

    • the user email address is not found
    • the Exalate user has no 'Browse Users' permissions

    Can you make sure that the second point is addressed?

    Also an useful exercise is to check the replica, you can go to the Entity sync status on the Exalate panel in Jira cloud and use the issue key to look for the specific issue you are using, here you will be able to see how the replica is being sent(show remote replica) and how its locally(show local replica). If the remote replica contains the email address and the local too its likely a permission problem, where the Exalate Proxy user cannot update the user since it lacks permission.

    Please check on this points and update us so we can know what is the culprit of this problem.



    1. Yevhen

      Hello, Daniel.

      So my problem was related to wrong proxy-user which was 'backbonesync' (any ideas why it happened) on server side.

      After I put this user in jira-administrators group on cloud site all issues starts sync with correct reporter and assignee fields.

      Thanks for your attention and advises!!!

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