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Cannot close PRB record from Jira SD in ServiceNow


Hello ,

When closing PRB in Jira, I have below payload from Jira SD to SN:

"Status Name": "Closed",
"description": "DESCR",

I have below status mapping in SN incoming script:

    // Status mapping
    def statusMapping = [
                    // Jira state           <-> SNOW state
                    "Identification"        : "New",
                    "Ready for Analysis"    : "Assess",
                    "In Analysis"           : "Root Cause Analysis",
                    "Pending"               : "Fix in Progress",
                    "Resolved"              : "Resolved",
                    "Closed"                : "Closed"
    def remoteStatusName = replica."Status Name"
    entity.setStatus(statusMapping[remoteStatusName] ?: remoteStatusName)
    entity.description = replica.description + 
                                             ", A.remoteStatusName: " + remoteStatusName + 
                                             ", B.Jira PRB status: " + replica."Status Name" +
                                             ", C.statusMapping[remoteStatusName]: " + statusMapping[remoteStatusName]

Last line (entity.description =…. ) is for diagnosis purposes to set PRB description in SN and to save other variables.

So when closed state comes from Jira, description field in SN looks as below:

DESCR, A.remoteStatusName: Closed, B.Jira PRB status: Closed, C.statusMapping[remoteStatusName]: Closed

but PRB in SN is still resolved. Why state doesn't change to closed ?

Proxy user has all required credentials: I am able to close PRB in SN when I impersonate proxy user in SN.

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