
I came across this article and I am error when a issue moves from Bug to Task (issue Type)... 


Based on the error it suggests that "No such property: Move for class"... 

Where can I get the helper class Move ?

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    3 answers


      Hi Samip,

      I believe the problem is in the following lines of your script:

      if (replica.typeName != issue.type.name)

      This isn't working as you'd expect, you can only use .typeName when you are creating a new issue, the replica's .typeName field is always empty. You should use the following:

      if (replica.type.name != issue.type.name)

      Let me know if this solves things for you.



      1. Samip K Banker

        André Leroy-Beaulieu Castro :

        I had replica.type.name before but then it complained... so I changed to "replica.typeName". I know the script is going in the if loop as its hitting this exception in the if loop

         //throw new IssueTrackerException("incomming issuetype = " + replica.typeName + " current issuetype = " + issue.type.name)

      2. Samip K Banker

        André Leroy-Beaulieu Castro :

        Any update on this? we are going live in our project using Exalate mid next week and we are struggling to set this up.  


      3. André Leroy-Beaulieu Castro

        Hi Samip,

        Can you try this two things please:

        1. Show us how it fails using replica.type.name
        2. Replace your usage of Move.move(...) with Move.move(issue, issue.project.key, replica.type.name, replica.status.name)

        If this doesn't seem to work, please open up a support ticket and I will assist you there, and when we get to the bottom of it I will post the final answer here (smile)



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      After I added the groovy file I don't see any error but I don't see any transition happening. 

      Below is my code in the incoming Sync

      ..... some code before this.. 

      if (replica.typeName != issue.type.name)
           //throw new IssueTrackerException("incomming issuetype = " + replica.typeName + " current issuetype = " + issue.type.name)
           ["Bug workflow" : ["Enhancement workflow" : ["New":"New","On Hold":"On Hold"] ] ],
           true, //sameStatusIfNotInMapping
           issue.project.key, // the key of the project where the issue is moved to here
           replica.typeName // the name of the issue type where the issue is moved to
           //do something else

      ..... some code after this.. 

      Do I need to put this code in specific place (top or bottom)? I do see other changes that are being send to are getting added to the issue... but issue type is not being changed. I also don't see error message in the exalate or Jira logs... 

      What am I doing wrong?


      1. Samip K Banker

        André Leroy-Beaulieu Castro :

        Any update on this.... we are currently blocked... any help is appreciated. 


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      Hi Samip, 

      Here is the Move.groovy script you need to add to your external scripts library (smile)




      1. Samip K Banker

        Thanks. Let me try that out and let you know if it works. 

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