
We've packed up and moved from Confluence to Discourse to bring you a better, more interactive space. Out of courtesy we didn't migrate your user account so - you will have to signup again

The Exalate team will be on holiday for the coming days - returning Jan 4
Enjoy & stay safe

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An 'undefined' page is any page that has been linked to from within Confluence, but that does not yet exist.

Undefined Page Linked From
Can I sync an Issue to more than one Issue on the remote system Questions: Can I sync an Issue to more than one Issue on the remote system
Comments in ZD getting posted twice when Sync with Jira Questions: Comments in ZD getting posted twice when Sync with Jira
Convert remote status changes as public comment Questions: Convert remote status changes as public comment
How to make an attachment internal in Jira ? Questions: How to make an attachment internal in Jira ?
How to sync Jira comment into ServiceNow work_notes field Questions: How to sync Jira comment into ServiceNow work_notes field
Images getting lost in Sync Questions: Images getting lost in Sync
Issues are not syncing to local destination desk Questions: Issues are not syncing to local destination desk
Jira attachments aren't syncing Questions: Jira attachments aren't syncing
Mapping process for issue types Questions: Mapping process for issue types
Raise a Jira ticket in a defined Project, depending on what Assignment group it was assigned to in ServiceNow Questions: Raise a Jira ticket in a defined Project, depending on what Assignment group it was assigned to in ServiceNow
Synced sub-tasks become standard_issue_type on remote Questions: Synced sub-tasks become standard_issue_type on remote
When I activate the app, I get an error warning, despite the fact that the app previously worked with the license key provided by Account Executive | Exalate Questions: When I activate the app, I get an error warning, despite the fact that the app previously worked with the license key provided by Account Executive | Exalate
Why does Exalate 5.6.0 not display sync rules when operated behind a firewall? Questions: Why does Exalate 5.6.0 not display sync rules when operated behind a firewall?
Zendesk <-> Jira - Zendesk Chat transcripts do not have new lines in Jira & Reply to Customer in Jira syncs to Public Reply in Zendesk Questions: Zendesk <-> Jira - Zendesk Chat transcripts do not have new lines in Jira & Reply to Customer in Jira syncs to Public Reply in Zendesk
exalate plugin of jira server Questions: exalate plugin of jira server
isUserAssignable() throws missing projectkey error when key is provided Questions: isUserAssignable() throws missing projectkey error when key is provided
it doesn't synchronize changes to edited or deleted comments from Jira to Zendesk Questions: it doesn't synchronize changes to edited or deleted comments from Jira to Zendesk